提前选好了圣诞歌:Christmas Eve - Yamashita Tatsuro
Miranda July’s new wacky indie film Kajillionaire is easily my favorite of the year. Gotta love everything about Evan Rachel Wood’s character in this: the long sandy blond hair, the pale skin, the fake deep voice and the awkwardness on her face. https://boxd.it/jJDY
看了 Vice 这篇文章才知道原来美国很多大学已经在使用 proctoring software(监考软件)来监控学生线上考试的情况(作弊)。这些软件一般通过录像、录音、桌面监控、分析学生的眼球移动、身体姿态、鼠标键盘点击来给考生评出「可疑度」。
简中网络看多了经常会想起《宋飞正传》里 Mrs. Seinfeld 的这句话
How do you implement the “follow system” behavior for color scheme (dark mode) in SwiftUI? In UIKit you just set the overrideUserInterfaceStyle
to .unspecified
, however, in SwiftUI setting preferredColorScheme
to nil
won’t work until you relaunch the app.
在花了十几分钟尝试搞清楚大葱、小葱、香葱、青葱、scallion、spring onion、green onion、chive、葱头、蒜苔、大蒜、蒜苗、水仙之间谁是谁的谁之后,得出的结论是有些事情还是不要知道了吧。
New iMac wishlist:
- Two or more TB3 buses
- Easily accessible & user-upgradable RAM like current 27’’ models
- T2 chip
- A normal VESA mount
- A new design would be niiiiice
Paris, Texas: 重逢也可以是孤独的,不需要生死也有离别。早就知道了山东有德州,不知道德州也有巴黎。这片子给我一种对某种从未存在过的东西的怀旧感。5/5