

Current (and even some prospective) customers of Boosted’s electric skateboards and e-scooters have deluged the subreddit with tips and tricks on the best ways to fix and maintain the products. One user started a shared Google Drive to host owners’ manuals and other reference materials, and is even considering opening up a service center. Another has started a new potential business, offering to do the kinds of electric motor repairs that Boosted used to do for free.

很多人知道 Boosted 可能是因为 Casey Neistat 在用。有一段时间我自己也很想要一块类似的电动长板。
现在这家当年 KickStarter 上的明星公司倒闭了,它的用户却集结起来试图通过 DIY 的方式来延长一款过期产品的生命周期。
与此相似的例子除了 Pebble 之外,还有苹果早在多年前就停产的 iPod Classic,直到今天都还有拥趸在使用它、改装它、升级它。