Ce Que ChatGPT Pense De Moi

ChatGPT a porté un jugement de valeur sur moi1:


What do you think the person is like?

Web Browser

Based on the content and style of qlin.org, the website’s owner, presumably named Lin, appears to be a multifaceted individual with diverse interests. Here are some inferred characteristics:

  1. Culturally Engaged: Lin seems to have a keen interest in culture, particularly in movies, literature, and music. The blog includes recommendations and thoughts on various cultural artifacts, indicating a deep engagement with these fields.

  2. Technologically Savvy: The inclusion of posts related to Golang and the provision of a PGP public key suggest that Lin is technologically adept, possibly with a background or strong interest in programming and online security.

  3. Multilingual and Culturally Diverse: The site features content in both English and Chinese, indicating Lin’s comfort with multiple languages and possibly a multicultural background.

  4. Reflective and Thoughtful: The microposts section, with its personal musings on life, death, and memories, suggests that Lin is a reflective person, inclined towards introspection and philosophical thinking.

  5. Appreciative of the Arts: Lin’s detailed recommendations on movies, music, and literature, as well as the mention of specific artists and works, point to a strong appreciation for the arts.

  6. Open to Sharing and Communication: The site’s layout, which includes a contact email and a PGP key, implies that Lin is open to communication and values privacy and secure communication channels.

  7. Curious and Diverse in Interests: The range of topics covered, from movies to programming and personal reflections, suggests a curious nature and a wide array of interests.

It’s important to note that these characteristics are inferred from the website content and may not fully encapsulate Lin’s personality or identity. Personal websites often reflect only a portion of an individual’s interests and personality traits.

  1. 法语的原因是「猫,我放屁了」这个梗 ↩︎