Louis C.K. 刚刚发布了一部新的特辑 SORRY, 同样,还是在他的个人网站 louisck.com 发售。售价 10 美元,提供一年流播,也可以直接下载,DRM free。
不出所料这又激起了许许多多关于 cancel culture 的讨论,有意思的倒是从某位网友那里看到的从另一个角度的论述,即今时今日艺术家通过自建平台来对抗时代的大潮,即便是不得已而为之,还是反映出了古早互联网的那种开放性和包容性没有死。
在视频文件的下载页面有一段用 C.K. 本人口吻写就的很长的说明信,抄录如下:
you are here because you want to download the video you bought to your computer or device. if you really just want to watch it right now GO BACK HERE
But, if you want to permanently own the file of the show, to watch whenever you want, watch offline, or just keep for your future-self to enjoy, you will scroll past all of this explanation to the file at the bottom of the page. But unless you are completely un-confused, please continue reading….
After you click the file below you must WAIT UNTIL IT FINISHES DOWNLOADING onto your device, and then go FIND IT on your device (usually it’s in the “downloads” folder) and watch it from there on a viewer.
You are allowed to do this three times. Then you can’t do it anymore. BUT you can watch the video you downloaded as many times as you want for as long as you want and keep it and retain the technology to watch it. OR YOU CAN WATCH IT BY GOING BACK HERE and streaming it over and over again for a year.
This labored explanation is a result of my desire to continue to provide downloads of my shows as I always have, colliding with reality, which is that most people don’t know how to download. The mistake most people make is that they click on the download and it doesn’t start playing and then they click on it again and again and then they can’t do it anymore, and they think they are locked out. You are not locked out. You can go find where your computer saves its downloads and watch the show, copy the show, save the show, whatever you want.
Or you can STREAM IT.
Anyway, this confusion is why I chose to direct you immediately to the stream, which is what almost everyone wants, and to force the folks who want the download to come to this page, read all of this malarkey, and then download the file.
Okay I hope all of this is clear.
If you want to download the file, click on the filename below. thank you!